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Generate command


You can use the generate command to generate Docker Compose configurations. The services are grouped by type (frontend, backend, database, db-admin-tool, proxy, tls-helper). You can select one ore more services of a certain type.


You can later save / load your own templates with the template command.


Use the generate command by executing:

$ compose-generator

Use the generate command by executing:

$ compose-generator generate

Use the generate command by executing:

$ compose-generator g


You can apply following options to the generate command:

Option Short Description
--advanced -a Enable advanced mode with advanced questions to allow more customization.
--config <resource> -c <resource> Pass a config file / config file URL with predefined answers. Works good for CI.1
--detached -d Run the compose configuration subsequently in detached mode.
--force -f Skip safety checks and overwrite all files, that may exist.
--run -r Run the compose configuration subsequently.
--with-instructions -i Generate a file with usage instruction for predefined template.

  1. You can find an example configuration file here